You Glow Differently When You’re Actually Happy

Sister Elizabeth McGinn shares how she found happiness through one simple New Years resolution.

As another year begins and we sit down to create New Year’s resolutions, it’s important to take the time to reflect on what did and didn't go well this year. A lot of times, without even realizing it, we make our resolutions revolve around implementing things into our lives that will make us more physically attractive. Resolutions such as going to the gym more, eating cleaner, actually following your skincare routine, etc. As much as these sound rewarding and desirable to obtain, and while they are great, there are a lot of different, more meaningful directions we can take when creating resolutions.

This time last year, as 2020 was ending, I tried really hard to brainstorm resolutions that for one, I would actually follow, and two, that would give me a better overall quality of life. For many more people than just me, 2020 was an extremely difficult year.

For me, I was a homesick college freshman still adjusting to college and making new friends. After struggling a lot my first semester, I rushed in January and ended up joining Kappa Delta. I was beyond excited to meet new people and when it felt like things were finally looking up for me… the pandemic hit. We all got sent home and those recently formed friendships quickly began to feel extremely distant. This only made the following fall semester even more challenging because, as a sophomore, I felt pressure to have it all together: perfect grades, the perfect friend group, social life, etc. But let me tell you, online classes were a huge adjustment and I can confirm it is nearly impossible to make new friends from six feet apart. I felt lost and, in my eyes, it seemed like I was the only one struggling. Social media makes it so easy to give in to this feeling when scrolling through the filtered, highlight reels of everyone’s lives. From behind a screen, I was certain everyone else was thriving but me.

Towards the end of 2020, I began to really struggle with my mental health. I wanted to make a drastic change in 2021. Well, quite frankly, it was more of a need than a want. Don’t get me wrong, I have always been fortunate enough to have a great support system of friends and a loving family, but when attending a school of 30,000 students I knew there was so much more out there for me.

To say yes more often.

That was my New Year’s resolution.

I wanted to put myself out there a lot more than I had before, so my goal of the year was to take every opportunity I had. The pandemic had already made me miss out on a lot of college and I swore to, from there on out, make the most of my time in Blacksburg by simply saying yes.

Initially, I struggled with this resolution. It just seemed so much easier to curl up in bed or have a movie night with my three amazing roommates. Doing this didn’t force me to leave my comfort zone, or better yet even change out of my pajamas. I had all online classes and at this point, it was the dead of winter. Staying in my apartment seemed extremely ideal. I really did want to push myself and not hide away in my apartment but hanging out with new people was a lot easier said than done.

Fast forward to now, as I reflect on how 2021 went, I can confidently say I fulfilled my New Year's resolution. I said yes to living in the KD house (even though my freshman self swore on her life she would never live in a dorm again), I said yes to multiple unforgettable girls trips, I said yes to studying abroad, and I said yes to every opportunity I had to get more involved around campus. I truly learned how much better life can get outside your comfort zone. After pushing myself so much, things that were once way out of my comfort zone suddenly become so comfortable to me. This made all the difference.

I am scrolling through all my pictures from this year and I notice that as the year progressed, so did the way I present myself. The difference had nothing to do with my literal physical appearance, it was in my demeanor. As I filled my life with friends that make every day better, you could see the happiness reflected in my presentation.

You glow differently when you’re actually happy.

This is a type of beauty that no skincare product, diet, or workout routine could have ever given me. You can see a true, genuine smile when taking pictures with my friends, the addition of obnoxious colors and eyeshadows to my wardrobe due to a newfound self confidence, and new, once unfamiliar places and people surrounding me. This all came to me when I began to surround myself with an overabundance of genuine love.

For a lot of people when they think of genuine love or soulmates, they think of having a significant other. When I think of those words, I think of the people who came into my life this year and made it so special. This year I have seen love in so many different forms, forms that don’t go unnoticed.

Love is Kora Kane going thrift shopping and texting me a picture of a jacket saying “This is so you!!! Want me to buy it?” Kora, Your soul is too pure.

Love is eating my lunch on Kaley McCullen’s bathroom floor while she takes a shower because we both refused to stop hanging out. I wish I could spend every day by your side.

Love is my roommate, Kaitlyn Bouck, who puts up with my insanely messy side of the room and my habit of sleeping until noon yet still assures me I am the best roomie ever. Kaitlyn, I know you’re just being kind and I appreciate the acceptance more than I could ever put into words.

Love is being so inseparable with Cate Salmon that we will text each other I miss you after one hour apart. You can make the most mundane Monday my favorite day ever.

Love is having a really hard day and checking my phone to see both Harper Mugford and Kaley McCullen sending me the kindest words and money to “get myself a treat.” You both are entirely too good for this world. Ps, those treats actually did cheer me up.

Love is how whenever I talk to Kaylen Iorio I forget I even own a cell phone. Here’s to the 11 pm conversations that turned into 3 am. You amaze me every day.

Love is texting in the house girls group chat “Does anyone have a fork? And Selma Alkebsi replying “I have one, but you can only have it if you eat your food in my room. I miss you and want to hang out.” Yes, this made my day.

Love is watching my little, Gabi Holloway’s, reaction to finding out I am her big. I have never felt more loved or wanted than in that very moment. Gabi, I am so beyond lucky to have you in my life.


Putting into words how much love I have felt over the last 12 months makes me realize how amazing it is that there are so many people we haven't met yet that are going to love us and greatly impact our lives. Every person we meet along the way has something to teach us and I am grateful for every person that has touched my life in even the smallest ways. I got close with new people this year that have changed my life for the better and pushed me to be the best version of myself. I love who I am becoming and I owe that all to the people I surround myself with. I am so blessed and thankful for everything 2021 has done for me and can’t wait for all the adventures and amazing people that lie ahead.

Sometimes it’s really hard to remember that happiness often comes in waves. At the end of 2020, I felt like I was on a never ending wave and would’ve never thought a silly New Year's resolution would lead me to become the happiest I’ve ever been. So when making your New Year’s resolutions for 2022, forget prioritizing your gym schedule, eating habits, and glowing skin routine. This won’t fulfill you in the long run.

Let your glow be the result of a life you love, full of people you adore rather than the result of materialistic skincare products.

Find ways to prioritize your mental health and happiness first. Seek environments where your energy is valued and reciprocated. I promise everything will fall into place once you are surrounded by love and human connection. Happy 2022 everyone, cheers to continuing to challenge ourselves every day & making this year the best one yet <333


Contact Sister Elizabeth…

@Emcginn3 on Instagram


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