Thank you, Kappa Delta

Kappa Delta is so much bigger than just a sorority

Sister Meredith Watts shares what Kappa Delta truly means to her.

Graduation. The dreaded “G-word” that every senior avoids for as long as possible until it becomes our reality. The word that closes a chapter of unforgettable memories and invaluable friendships, and yet opens the door to the rest of our lives. Fear of uncertainty. Excitement for the next step. Bittersweet. Sad. Happy. Anxious. Seniors feel every emotion as graduation approaches. However, one emotion stands out– gratitude.

Virginia Tech is home, and it will forever hold a special place in my heart. It is the place where I laughed with lifelong friends until my stomach hurt. The place where I jumped to Enter Sandman until my calves cramped. The place where I studied until 2 am in the library until I felt delirious. But most importantly, the place where I grew into the best version of myself.

It would be a lie if I told you this growth was solely because of me. Actually, it couldn’t be farther from the truth. This growth happened because of a very special group of people– the girls surrounding me in Kappa Delta.

Over the past four years, I had the opportunity to serve two years on KD’s executive board as VP of Standards and President, work alongside FSL and Panhellenic, communicate with Nationals, and serve on an exploratory committee. These experiences allowed me to gain perspective on Greek Life as a whole. While I am not naive to the controversy of Greek Life, I was able to see the immense positive impact our organizations have on each other, our members, and our community, but I never slowed down to consider the impact this community had on me. More specifically, the impact Kappa Delta had on me.

Ironically, I don’t enjoy writing. I don’t enjoy public speaking. And I especially don’t enjoy sharing my feelings. However, I found myself asking to write a senior testimony for recruitment. I felt a responsibility to share my story, my growth, and my gratitude to the girls who changed my life. I rewrote my testimony from scratch multiple times because I struggled to articulate my thoughts into words on paper. It was difficult to admit a multitude of hard feelings to myself and others, whether it was girls I’ve known for years or potential new members. Now, it is hard to share it with the world, but hopefully, others find comfort in this message.

So, here it goes… my senior testimony:



Hey everyone, for those of you who don’t know me, I’m Meredith. For the rest, hey it’s me, Meredith. I don’t think it has really hit me yet that I am leaving this place I call home in a few months. For most of you who know me, you know I am not the most outwardly emotional, but if there is one day I know I will cry, it will be leaving you all and this school for my last time as a student. It is hard to believe that I was standing where you all are now 3 years ago. I guess time does truly fly when you’re having fun.

I grew up very certain of where I belonged. I was comfortable in my environment, around my people doing what I did best– school, sports, friends, family, and everything else in between. However, when I came to college, my life was flipped upside down and quite frankly thrown in the trash. My friends since elementary school were no longer around me, sports didn’t take up my time 24/7, I was extremely homesick, and my boyfriend and best friend broke up with me. Needless to say, I was a wreck and struggling to fit into a world where college was supposed to be the best years of my life.

By the time recruitment approached the next semester, I felt completely unworthy. Unworthy of friendship. Unworthy of love. And unworthy of good things happening to me. I felt as if no one in this process would see me through my hurt and guarded wall. I was so nervous for Open House, but all my nerves vanished when I walked into the KD house for the first time and was greeted by Grace Tunis. Within a short time, she saw me for who I was and I felt like I already had a best friend in KD. Each round passed, and every girl made me feel like I was worthy of joining a group of girls as beautiful on the inside and outside as them. During Preference round, I expressed interest in leadership, and a member said “I am calling it right now this girl is a future president of KD,” and I laughed. I didn’t feel worthy enough to achieve that.

Well, turns out I was worthy of it– I just finished my term serving as the President of Kappa Delta. But it is not this position that I am most proud of, it is the self-growth that I achieved in the past three years that I am most proud of. The self-growth that was brought on by surrounding myself with every girl in this chapter. The girls that made me feel worthy of friendship. Worthy of love. And worthy of good things happening to me. Kappa Delta isn’t just a sorority with philanthropy events, social events, and a sisterhood, it is a group of women who help you become the best version of yourself. It is the people who hold you up while you're falling down. It is the people who surprise you and become your best friends.

It is Sarah Hern and Kathleen Finn. I have quite literally never seen them apart, but they always make my day when I see them together.

It is Elle Pickering. Who blew me away in her council interview. I started to think she was interviewing me because she radiated so much confidence. This chapter is in good hands.

It is my g-littles, Paige and Cary. They are two of the craziest girls I know, but boy do they keep me young. I can’t wait until our next El Rods date where y'all make me question everything and laugh until I can’t breathe.

It is Taylor Walsh. The girl who has a heart of gold and is wise beyond her years. She lights up every room and makes sure everyone knows they belong in this chapter. She taught me so much kindness and patience.

It is Elizabeth Mcginn, who I wish wasn’t abroad right now so she could hear this. She cried at our last semis because she was going abroad and I was graduating, so she thought she would never see me again. I promised her I would be back for football games. Her own self-growth is inspiring to watch because as she says “you glow differently when you’re happy.” (If you haven’t read her blog post– go read it now.)

It is Lily Fortunato. While she may be in the pledge class below me, she has no idea how much I look up to her. She radiates optimism and compassion, and she cares about the future of every girl in this chapter. I would be lucky to be the person she is, and she will be an amazing next President of Kappa Delta.

It is my littles, Kylie and Xandra. Kylie, I am sorry for making you sob because you thought you weren’t my little. You walked into my life Sisterhood round, and no one has ever understood what I'd been through like she did. She is the kindest person, who balances my fiery personality with her understanding nature. She helped pull me out of a rough patch without realizing it, and I will forever be grateful for her in my life. Xandra is the little I never knew I wanted but didn’t realize how much I needed. She is an old soul who has so much love for this world. She makes me feel loved when I feel unlovable. She manifests things into my life when I don’t believe in myself. She makes me relax and have fun when I get way too uptight. She is the yin to my yang.

It is Lexie Kinder. She used to walk into my room at the KD house at midnight because she was bored and wanted to talk but would leave close to 2 hours later because she literally never stops talking. I miss those nights, and I can’t wait for you to talk my ear off forever. Our trip to Texas holds memories that will last a lifetime – “I’m just sayinggg.”

It is Emily Dorton. My roommate in the KD house and the person I became friends with the quickest. The first person that truly made me feel worthy of friendship. The person who always gets a side of pita bread to give me even though she's gluten-free. The person who knows what I am going to say before I even open my mouth. The person who even knows my chipotle order. I know she will always be on my side in life.

It is Sabrina Mesawich. One of my more unexpected friendships, but also one of my best friends at Virginia Tech. Fortunately, she is just as rational and unemotional as me, so while hugs and “I love you’s” aren’t everyday things, I have never questioned her love for me. I promise to continue walking into your room at the most inconvenient time ever and sticking by you through all your adventures, whether it's a trip to Sharkey's or your next big move. Let’s make this semester our best one yet.

It is Mattie Van. My other extremely unexpected friendship, but also one of my absolute best friends. Thank god a night of face masks in the KD house after an off day sparked our friendship. Differently, from Sab, Mattie showers me with good morning texts, I love you’s, and hugs no matter how much I resist. She drags me to the gym when I’m lazy, tells me to drink more water, makes sure I take time to fill up my own cup, and assures me it’s okay to have off days. She builds me up when I am down, but Mattie, please don't forget to build yourself up too. The idea of being hundreds of miles away next year is scary, but I know that won’t stop our friendship.

It is every girl in this chapter who has hyped me up, given me advise, encouraged my dreams, and believed in who I am at the core– a nerdy, silly, kind, understanding, and loving person who is now worthy of friendship and love because of Kappa Delta.

Surround yourself with the people who make you proud to be yourself, with the people who respect and embrace you in ways that make you feel worthy, accepted, and loved. Surround yourself with Kappa Delta.



When I first read this to my chapter, I felt beyond nervous and uncomfortable. It only took two sentences for me to start visibly shaking and tearing up. My heart rate was probably concerning, but the people surrounding me gave me the confidence to share my story. By the end, I was ugly crying and laughing, but overall, I was proud of myself. Every single person has felt this at some point, and I wish I knew that earlier. Everyone in Kappa Delta deserved to be mentioned because they all made an impact on me no matter how big or small.

I have two words of advice for anyone in college– join something. Club Swimming. An acapella group. A service fraternity. An academic group. Greek Life. It doesn’t matter what you join, but put yourself out there. Join a group of people that is so much bigger than yourself. They will teach you how to be the best version of yourself. They will surround you and make you feel accepted, worthy, and loved.

Choosing Kappa Delta gave me something bigger than just a sorority. It gave me a community full of people and places that created a home in Blacksburg for four years. A home that is almost harder to leave than a hometown because the people and places here are so much bigger than a single organization.

Katy Carney (and Squid of course), who simultaneously is the smartest and most fun person I know. She will never turn down Sharkey’s Bingo, but she is always ready to go on a hot girl walk (with Squid) when you need someone to lean on.

Lane Stadium, which has too many memories to count but many memories to come. You especially make Blacksburg home by welcoming Hokie Nation with open arms.

John Moss and Joe Lichtenstein, who always greets me with the biggest hugs, best smiles, and great conversations. Maybe we will *actually* air a podcast episode together someday.

Sharkey’s, where good friends go. On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday… It's only a problem when we graduate. For now, see y'all for Tuesday trivia.

My roommates- Kami, Natalie, and Lex, who have been my rocks since freshman year. We may be a “swirling mass of idiots”, but at least we have a friendship and memories that will last a lifetime.

The Huckleberry Trail, the perfect walk to rant to your best friends about anything and everything. Gameday outfits, date parties, or hard tests– you name it and the answer is on the Huckleberry Trail.

Gracie and Becky, two peas in a pod who always make life more fun. They always remind me there’s no point in waiting until the weekend to have fun.

Midnight drives, where we blast music driving on quiet Blacksburg roads. If you haven’t done this, try it. The world becomes still and your mind becomes clear.

Kurt, Mason, Parsa, Will, Kyle, and Chris, the guys who never fail to make me laugh and will always have my back in Blacksburg like my brothers did before they graduated.

Oak Lane, the place where we were all trapped together during COVID, yet it became the place where so many of my friendships became forever.

Anna and Omar, my favorite nerd friendship that sparked because of a math class. While they made engineering more bearable, they more importantly made TOTS the place to be. DiffEq Gang 4ever (yeah, I know we are nerdy).

When you join an organization, you join a web of people and places that is bigger than yourself or the members in your chapter. This entire community is what allows you to grow, so take the first step and join something.

I joined Kappa Delta. I earned my confidence through Kappa Delta. I found my people through Kappa Delta.

So, thank you, Kappa Delta.

Contact Sister Meredith…

@_MeredithWatts on Instagram


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