Why Working Out is SO Much More Than Just Burning Calories

Sister Ariana Magazzolo dives deep into what working out does for her not just physically but mentally too.

I don’t really know how to start or write a blog, but I do want to share what working out means to me. 

Some quick background: I grew up playing different sports and always being active. When middle school came around, I was a 3-sport athlete. However, due to a heavier academic workload and my social life, I decided to drop one sport and continue on with 2 until college. Once college came around, I really felt something missing in my life. I missed that satisfying feeling I’d get after finishing a good workout. I needed to find something new that would take my mind off the stress of my busy life. I soon realized that the gym could do just that. Since finding the gym, I have identified 5 things that have motivated me to be consistent for the last year and a half. 

Working out is stress relieving -

Going to the gym is my way of letting out all of my stress, whether running/walking on the treadmill, lifting weights, doing a HIIT workout, or crushing some core. I am always in my stress-free world. I avoid my phone at the gym because that is my time to be free of responsibilities. I usually warm-up on the treadmill, so the sweat starts right away, and I experience an adrenaline rush. This energy allows me to keep pushing myself during the rest of my workout. The feeling of sweat on my body is like a natural high that makes me feel alive. I play my favorite music at the gym, which keeps me feeling like I'm in my stress-free world. When I am stressed about projects or exams, the moment I start working out, none of that stuff even exists.

The Atmosphere -

The atmosphere at the gym is so uplifting and motivating. When I see others working and sweating, it energizes me to work out even harder to reach my goals. Seeing other people working hard makes me feel like I am not alone in my fitness journey. A smile at the gym is like a small high five of encouragement.

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Goals -

I have struggled with body image my whole life. I have tried many different diets and workout routines. I have always felt like nothing worked or made a difference. I struggle with comparing myself to others, but the comparison has not benefited my mental or physical health. It was not until recently, after doing research, that I learned how to workout and eat properly to reach MY personal goals. After doing this research, I have found that going to the gym helps me stick to my plan of reaching MY personal goals.

Accomplishments -

I love going to the gym in the morning because, after a nice sweaty workout, I feel motivated to start my day outright. I feel ready to have a productive day after having an awesome workout. Going to the gym before an exam gives me a sense of accomplishment before tackling another obstacle. Giving my hardest at the gym for 45 minutes to an hour makes me feel like I can perform at the highest level the rest of the day. I love using Peloton to work out, and one of my favorite instructors, Jess Sims, always says, “How you do anything is how you do everything.” These words of wisdom energize me throughout my workouts and motivate me to work hard not only when working out but with everything else, I do in a day.

Remembrance and Meaning -

Four years ago, I lost someone very special to me, my uncle. He loved watching my brothers and I play sports. He also loved fitness and health. Working out is a way that I remember him and feel close to him. I know I am making him proud and it makes me push myself harder. 

 I did not know how this first “blog” would go, but it honestly made me realize how happy working out makes me. Yes, I do workout because I have goals to lose weight and see changes in my body. But for me there is so much more to it ---- working out is time for me to escape problems going on in the world and it makes me feel so alive.  Follow @workoutwithariii on instagram for recipes, workouts, and inspiring quotes.

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Contact Sister Ariana…

@Arianamagazzolo on Instagram


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